Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Freespace is a state of mind.

Down in the basement working tonight. Lots of people doing laundry. Earlier this week I worked down at 60 Wall Street. Lots of "down-under" working. I need to work "up" somewhere. Lots of people in both places nagging, stumbling, playing backgammon or drying clothes.

On a conference table at garden-level I spread out and worked on my New York Times cover-photo drawings. The conference table is at Grant's school. The table faces an ideal Greenwich Village garden. I can work there quietly for a couple of hours. It's an interesting and very viable "freespace." It's not my space and I have learned to coexist in it.

Before "freespace," I would walk into another person's studio, home, office, or workspace and immediately think about how I could alter and use it. I'd make mental notes about possible changes.

Today, the secretary at Grant's school offered me coffee and I was grateful to sit while Grant and his schoolmates rumbled above me. The only change happened on paper and only my state of mind was altered.