Bag it!
I'm on the verge of a momentous change to the way I make art (and freespace). After 3 years without a studio and working everywhere else, including the basement laundry room, libraries, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 60 Wall street public area, and many other spots (the subway, a park bench, and random cafe), I am moving into a studio space, with a door, a lock and air conditioning!
About 2 weeks ago, the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts contacted me and asked me if I was interested in one of their studios. I looked at it and said yes (I did ask to see the cheapest one and that's the only one I looked at). It's just for 3 months. If it goes well, maybe I can continue to rent it month-to-month, and maybe I would be eligible or at least I'll be alerted to apply for one of their subsidized studios.
Now, I will take all the drawings out of my closet, out from under the couch, out of my underwear drawer and onto the walls. I haven't had an opportunity to look at everything all at once for a long time. My studio space will be a viewing space and a new, not free, workspace.
At this point, I need to really thank Karina Aguilera Skvirsky for suggesting me to the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts. Karina is an amazing artist. She doesn't just offer her fellow artists ideas for opportunities, she makes the first move and suggests artists to institutions that are looking for certain artists for certains things. She understands the proactive power of suggestion. Thank you!
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