The Metropolitan Museum of Art: New Freespace
At the end of each evening of work, Friday and Saturday, I walked to the Asian galleries for continued context for my work and on the way, I passed the back on this painting which contained this interesting pattern. The pattern s on the back of a paiting of Christ, maybe it suggests a larger organization for an alter painting or arrangement. Whatever it is I really relate to it. I'll have to work it into something.
Today it's Monday, Labor Day, and I am working on the floor on my "mandala drawings." I have also started a new project. A few days ago, I started to cut out the cover photograph on the New York Times, and I am incorporating the images into my daily process, so that the photos are getting cut up and sketched into mandalas, folded drawings, and "fill-ins."
The other day, I dropped into an empty 60 Wall Street, and had an impromptu studio visit. I explained to my visitor and Pocket Utopia intern Matthew that my work constantly tries to redefine already defined space, for example ATfreespace attempts to redefine the studio space, Pocket Utopia the gallery space, and my drawings usually take a predetermined structure, like the mandala or spheres, squares and reworks those spaces. Back to floor space.
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