Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I actually saw workers protesting in the street today, while I sat in Union Square (I guess that's appropriate) discussing the possibilities of organizing a "Pocket Utopia" tour to Leipzig, Berlin, Dresden, and Prague. I've always been interested in tours. I was the unofficial docent of AZ East, I organized a tour of the Staten Island Ferry titled the Staten Island Ferry tour or "SIFT," and in the summer of 2005 I lead tours downtown. Now we'll (Danielle Rubi and I) take it to Leipzig, where Piergoi Leipzig will greet us, so join me on my next tour adventure!

This May Day also marks the official start of my gallery (Pocket Utopia). We've been trying to figure out how to make it work financially and I think we decided to stop thinking about it and start demolition and construction. I might have a temporary show in the space before we take out the sinks that the barber shop left behind. We'll see what can be organized quickly.

I'm also organizing all the drawings (the mandalas, text pieces, built drawings, fill-ins, folds, unstraight-line drawings, and the byproducts). Each day, a different drawing gets inventoried and edited, with some drawings not making the cut; for good life, good art and good love are all about good editing. Happy May Day!