Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The muse has returned

After writing my last blog entry, I realized that I don't necessarily need a pencil or scissors, or even a glue stick, for that matter, to make art. I had my computer, so I opened up my file on text drawings to review my list of words and worked out the next text piece. Now that I am back in New York, I've been really diligent about completing my "byproduct" drawings for my Pierogi flat file box. Today I worked at my desk at the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. I even left things in the desk drawer! I'll open that drawer again on Thursday and again on Friday. If all goes well, I'll be sitting at that desk for the next few Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Check out their blog. Then check out the movie Bottle Rocket, for some muse-sustaining entertainment.