Free space schedule, a comfortable routine

I seem to be settling into a comfortable routine of free spaces. It's best to go to 60 Wall Street when the work week is in full swing (Mondays and Thursdays), Tuesday is ear-marked for 1000 Park Avenue and I'm essentially in the basment laundry room the rest of the week.
Wednesday nights in the basement are cool, it's usually pretty quiet, for the Sunday/Monday rush to wash is over. Folks that do their laundry on Wednesdays are in general, pretty laid back. Last night Edna (my resident muse) was folding her laundry and reviewing my progress, offering insights, only at my insistence and Jeremy and Gail (the resident cool couple) came down later.
Jeremy and Gail are a joy to draw to. They understand what I'm doing and seem genuinely interested. No comments about making crafts from them!
I'm working on curating a page on the Fine Art Adoption Network of my Santa Barbara artist friends. Hopefully, I will launch it next week and the page will bear the name AT Freespace. It will be my first foray into an under radar, free gallery space, and a continuation of what I started in Santa Barbara. A sneak preview is above. It's a pen and ink drawing by Laura Devendorf titled "Jerry."
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