
I just want to spend the holidays down in the basement making work. In the basement there's a bookshelf that often contains books that end up in my collages and drawings, and it is in need of new titles. So, I will be adding books to the shelves, maybe people will take them away and maybe they will stay, either way I have some good books that have been in boxes over at my Chelsea storage space that are about to see new light. As a general policy, I don't like long-term storage, I'd rather have art displayed and books out on shelves.
If I was to make this laundry room more of a social space, better titles interspersed among the Encyclopedia Britannicas would be a step in the right social direction. I would also add to the magazine subscriptions, for there's a shelf of cast-off magazines down here too. I would love to add some magazines to the shelves too, add to the general reading list/level of this building.
I'm going to slip downstairs as much as I can over the next few days, even though my mom is visiting and the demands of mothering are reaching a new level of tidium (more on that another time). I will be down in the dungeon of my favorite free work space this holiday season.
At this particlular moment, I have been researching cupcakes and social space for my final CAF event, for which I will make a return engagement on January 7th. More on that later too.
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