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Today I had a nice tea with Karen Sinsheimer, the curator of photography, at Santa Barbara Museum of Art. I don't know why I never photograph the teas? I think maybe I'm concentrating on the immedaite experience so I forget to document it until later when I'm typing in the dark (again) next to my snoring 2 year old. Oh well...Charles Donelan, Arts Editor for the Santa Barbara Independent also joined us for tea. It was a solid tea day.
This is my last week here and it promises to be a good week with more teas, and a real salon night on Thursday with local artists showing their work, and at the end the week, Grant (the snoring 2 year old) will give a lecture (to young art lovers) on his Santa Barbara experience. Grant will share his drawings and we are going to serve cake! It should be interesting for Grant likes to knock over my little perches and try to break the teapot!
It's cold here tonight, maybe that's why Grant is snoring...It's probably cold in New York too, but my thoughts are warming on a plan to open a small gallery upon my return (I'm working on a business plan) and call it ATfreespace. I'm thinking of showing some work of artists from Santa Barbara and even serving up some tea!
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